We are a group of pickleball friends who have come together to help those who are fighting their battle everyday. Our team from last year has come together again this year to try to make a difference in the lives of those battling cancer – our theme is ‘HE AIN’T HEAVY, HE’S MY BROTHER’.

Team Captain
Corinne Marthaler
Team Total: $24107.00
Amy JohnsonAnnemarie Kopko
Barbara Evans
Betsy Reber
Brian Fleischmann
Charlene Pinheiro
Cheryl Thomas
Cindy Ryerson-Czock
Cliff Foy
Doug Reber
Ed Evans
Frank Kopko
Fred Dalton
Ginny Beckenhaupt
Joann Kiskiel
Kathy McNeal
Ken Schneiderman
Linda Parsons
Loretta Cosgrove
Lorraine Maggiacomo
Nancy Grams
Norma Schneiderman
Pat Parsons
Ray Peterson
Robin Grundlock
Shady J
Sharon Chimes
Ted Steinhauser
Terry Marthaler